Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's a Girl!

I have had 2 ultrasounds to confirm it... I am having a girl! Unbelievable, huh? I might have to change my blog name to wagnerfamilyofboysandonespoiledlittleprincess!

We are all thrilled to have a little girl, especially Caleb and Luke. Caleb said that if I was having another boy that he is going to faint. Kent and I are still in a little state of shock, I think. We just look at each other and smile, thinking... really, a girl? That is going to be so different. We are determined though that if she is not bleeding- then there is no need to cry. Is that going to work on a girl? Hmmm... or will their feelings just get hurt? Our boys get sad/mad, but by the time that you are ready to talk to them about it- they are over it and back outside playing with the one who caused all the commotion. I am excited to finally get some pink in our house though- and it will open up a whole new world of shopping! Yea!

I have some ultrasound pics, and will scan those for my next post! Just thought I would let the world know though, the Wagner's are finally getting a girl after 4 boys!


Mel said...

Oh my gosh! I am sooo excited for you! She is going to rock your world! Especially Kents! Congrats!!!

Jodee said...

She doesn't have to be a whiny princess. I think Madison was more tough than Bex is so go figure. I am sure she will be spoiled but she will also be pretty tough with those silly boys around! I am so excited for you guys!

Michelle said...

I know you will love, love having a girl! I'm really excited for you and I think a baby shower is definitely needed so we can share in the fun of buying girl stuff for you.