Monday, February 1, 2010

January... it's over already!

So much for my goal, it's already been a month... haha! There is a funny conversation between Luke and Caleb that took place last week. It's a little "inappropriate", but funny nonetheless.

We all know how children fight, well our boys are a bit rougher than normal (hopefully it's normal for brothers, but not most kids with brains). Anyways, Caleb kicked Luke in the "privates" the other day while we were at Michael's getting some things for young women's. I did not see what happened but knew instantly when I turned around and heard Luke screaming and saw his legs buckled at the knees with hands cupped. He was screaming "I need to sit down, Caleb kicked me" over and over. There was no need talking to Caleb at this point, he knew he was in trouble. I left him in the aisle and picked Luke up (he is heavy now) and put him in the basket and walked away. I told Caleb to come find us when he was ready to apologize and be apart of our family again. Don't worry, I didn't go too far away.

But then when we got home and Luke was "examining" himself, he noticed that he had a purple bruise on it and then he freaked out again. He came into the kitchen crying "Mom, Caleb damaged me. I have 3 balls now". Sorry, but that's what he said.

Caleb had to write sentences when we got home. Hopefully that will never happen again!

And a safe update... he is now back to only 2 with no purple bruises anymore :)

On a lighter note:

Jace is really starting to move around now. I can put him in the front room and sprinkle puffs all over the floor and he is completely entertained. It's so cute. He still has little curl on the top of his head and we just think that he is adorable. Josh and Jace took a bath together the other day in the sink. It's cute!

Joshy is potty trained- officially! He is doing great with that. Almost too good... I put a diaper on him at night, but the last 3 nights he has woken up between 3-4 am crying that he has to go potty. And then, it takes about 45 minutes for him to get settled down again and go back to sleep. He thinks it's time to wake up and watch Thomas or Cars. No way! I am hoping that it's just temporary and will learn quickly to hold it during the night.

Kent and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary last month on January 15th! Crazy! My sister and niece were nice enough to come rescue us from our children for the night so that we could go out to Lake Las Vegas. We ate at the most wonderful Mexican restaurant in town. Seriously, we are talking High Class food-- Rubio's! Kent has it too easy! We did hit Yogurtland afterwards so he redeemed himself. He also took me to the mall and I bought a new pair of jeans. Yea! It was so great to get away, but just not long enough. We are planning an Alaskan cruise in Aug or Sept so that will be our real 10 year anniversary trip. I am already excited!

That reminds me that I need to post pics from our Disney World trip in November. I will do that the next time I sit down to play catch-up. It was so much fun, I need to get that done before I forget :)


La Ron said...

That is so funny Becca. Kids seriously crack me up. You guys are good to go on your 10 year the same year as your 10 year. We are finally going on ours in May and it will be pushing 12 by then.

Lemon Family said...

It's fun to hear about what's going on. Sounds like you have a fun 10 yr vacation planned.

Jodee said...

Oh how I miss those boys. Luke has always said the funniest things, he is too cute. Happy Anniversary you two! I hope we get to see you this year, it's been too long! Love you guys!