Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another month gone by...

I will try to get somewhat caught up today, so let me think about what has been going on with us lately.

Preschool: Luke loves his teacher, Mrs. McIntyre. Fortunately this coming week we get a chance to redeem Luke as the leader of treats. A few weeks ago, when Luke was the leader and he was in charge of bringing the snack, he wanted fruit salad. He likes it at Grandma Wagner's house with the whipped cream and fruit. So, that is what he said that he wanted to take to share with all his friends. It had kiwi, grapes, blueberries, bananas... yummy, right? Well, when he got home and I asked him how his friends liked the fruit salad, he started to cry and said that only his teacher ate it. He said that it was the dumbest snack ever! I felt so bad to see that his feelings were actually hurt over this :) I explained that not everyone likes the same things and that is ok. He is leader this week and I will just take a guess he won't ever be taking fruit salad again!

Recent Story: His primary teacher was just recently called as the primary president and so she didn't have a chance to buy him, along with his CTR 5 class, a CTR ring that she had told them about. So on Monday a.m. right after Caleb went to school, we had to make a trip to the book store to get him one. He has been wearing all week long and loves it! It's very cute. We had to buy Caleb one too, of course.

School: Caleb is doing really well in school. He also likes his teacher, Mrs. Morgan. He is reading Harry Potter right now with Kent. Every night they are up reading and Caleb loves it! They are about 1/2 way through the first book. Caleb has been acting like a little teacher for Luke too, in trying to help him learn how to read. When Luke brings home his sight word books from preschool, Caleb helps him with it. Now, don't think "that is so sweet"! It is... for about 2 minutes! And then Caleb gets impatient with Luke and they start fighting about why Luke doesn't know the word the. It's either they are best friends or enemies :)

What a little monkey we have in our house! He loves to climb on everything and get into everything. I bought a new door knob for the pantry this week that locks and will have to wait for my sanity to return until Kent can put it on for me. The bottom 2 shelves in my pantry are rendered useless right now. I have cleaned up way too many dumped boxes of cereal, raisins, crackers, etc... more than Caleb and Luke combined, seriously! This kid is quick! And he climbed onto my kitchen table this week and broke my fruit bowl that I got from our wedding (it was really nice and I did like it). He can climb out of his pack n' play (yes, my poor child does not have a crib- we are cheap). But lately, he has been staying put when he wakes up. I don't know if he got hurt climbing out of it once or if he forgot that he could do it. Either way, I like him in it and am fine with him not climbing out of that right now.

We took Kent's parents out to dinner last night and to see Jerry Seinfeld. It was a lot of fun! We went to Joe's Stone Crab (been there before in Chicago with the Chapman's) and it was just as good (and expensive) as I remember. Jerry was really funny- and had good clean jokes. There was another guy that was his opening act, and he was funny, but a little yucky at times. But with Kent and his dad being hardcore Seinfeld fans, they loved it!

Last weekend we took my 7 Laurels on a whirlwind trip to Cedar City, Brian Head, Pine Valley and St. George. It was fun, spiritual, and exhausting all at the same time. We had 2 early morning wake-up calls at 5 am on Friday and Saturday to be able to make it all happen. So by the time that we got home, we were in bed asleep by 8:30 pm on Saturday. We drove up to Cedar Friday and went to Brian Head to play in the snow. We attempted to go sledding, but the spot we found looked like it would work, but it ended up being 3 feet of slush. It was quite the ordeal to sled on that. So after about 30 minutes of fun with the girls freezing, we went to the lodge and went swimming in their indoor pool and hot tub. Had dinner at our place in Cedar and then drove to Pine Valley to spend the night. Woke up at 5 am again to make it to the St. George temple for baptisms for the dead, watched the new Gordon B. Hinckley video at the visitor's center, took pictures, had a fattening lunch and then drove home in silence (besides the occasional snore for one of the girls). Fun, huh? I will post some pictures of this later on when I get them off my camera.


Jodee said...

Poor lukey, that story breaks my heart!
And didn't your time managing apartments teach you anything? You can install that doorknob! Oh wait, you actually had a maintenance man that did maintenance for you so you probably never had to worry about that!

Amber said...

ok, I had to laugh, because we had to do the same thing with Brooklynn and the CTR ring. She was very distraught. I'm glad that it means so much to them. Too cute.

Heather said...

Don't ya just love Mrs. Morgan...Treyson did. She's a great teacher.

And I so wanted to go see Jerry Seinfeld, you guys are sooo LUCKY! I bought David the new Scene It DVD game. Its alot of fun.

Did you get Luke signed up for soccer? I signed up Ty, hopefully Tass & Luke will be on Ty's team.

Krista Avance said...

Ok, well it's been two months and I like to hear what is going on with everybody!! haha keep posting