Monday, February 15, 2010

Joshy's Sleep Rules

So, since Josh has been potty trained... he has been waking up at 5 am, not wanting to go back to bed. But the past 2 days, there has been a break through! He has been getting up still, but will go back to bed and sleep/ stay quiet until his clock says 7:00 am! I made these little sleep rules and they are working. It's been a good week process, but I think that we are in the home stretch with him. He went about 3 days without his favorite movies, toys, and chocolate milk!

Movies: Thomas, Cars and Monsters Inc.

Toys: Thomas trains & Buzz

But when he did it right, it was a party that morning! He got high-5s, kisses, hugs, movies, chocolate milk, and a treat before breakfast. He thought that was pretty cool and now understands what his rewards are for following his sleep rules. He is so cute, he sleeps with his sleep rules in his bed.

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