Monday, September 28, 2009

Can't believe Summer is over...

Is it really almost October? How did this happen? I can't believe how fast this past year has gone by. Probably because I have been living in a daze the last few months, but still... it's crazy. I love this time of year though. The weather is cooler here already, it's wonderful! We're in the low 90's, haha!

I thought, since I have been a real slacker lately, that while Jace took a nap I would try to re-cap our summer and get back up to speed with things.

We had 2 family reunions. One in Utah for Kent's family. And the other in Panaca for my family. The boys always love getting together with their cousins and playing until all hours with them. For the 4th of July, we went to our little house in Cedar City. There is a fun parade down Main Street with that "old hometown" charm. Firetrucks, candy, flags and veterans... it was so fun to watch the boys enjoying it all!

And that is about it. I haven't taken very many pictures lately, mostly because I know that I don't have the time to spend making any scrapbook pages right now. If you haven't heard, Kent was called to be a seminary teacher. 6:00 am, everyday! I feel like I have another calling too! He has been studying alot, preparing lessons and trying to find ways to keep the kids interacting and awake. It's been a wonderful blessing in our home already though. The tv is off and we are reading our scriptures together instead. Of course, there is still time for BYU football games to watch, but that's about it. Kent will always find time for BYU... the last 2 weekends, we drove up to Provo for the games. Kent and I went solo without the boys for Florida (bummer game) and then this past weekend we took all the kids. What an adventure! Kent and I tried to listen to the "Work and the Glory" on cd over the screaming sounds of 3 obnoxious boys in the back. Jace is mostly sweet, so I won't include him in that category just yet. We had a good time together though.

School is in, yea! Caleb started 2nd grade and Luke is in Kindergarten. They are both at the same school and things are going well for them. Josh misses them during the day... and I miss having them to entertain him. I wanted to get Luke in full-day K, but couldn't get him in. It's been ok though, he has been a real helper with Josh and Jace at home. That's about it... all caught up!

First day of school:

4th of July:

Bulloch reunion:

Josh got into chocolate milk... just like his brothers when they were the same age! Cute, huh?
This is Caleb around 2 years old doing the same thing. I have a picture of Luke too, but I can't find it. I will keep searching. What can I say, we love chocolate milk!


Jodee said...

Can Caleb get any cuter in those glasses?
I am glad to see you are getting to a few games to make up for Tx :(
And good luck with the Seminary thing! Yikes!

Lemon Family said...

Your boys are darling. How fun (?) to get a seminary calling. Good luck with that. I'm glad things are going well for you guys!

Michelle said...

You two always inspire me spiritually. That's a good idea to turn the tv and read scriptures together!